Potency Assays

The game-changing potential of LiveDrop's high-performance platforms

Developing potency assays in droplets, such as killing assays, using high-performance platforms, marks a significant leap forward in cell therapy validation. Thanks to the precision and versatility of LiveDrop's technology, researchers can achieve unprecedented control and accuracy in exploring complex cell-cell interactions. This game-changing capability not only enhances the reliability and reproducibility of potency assays but also accelerates the pace of discovery in cell therapy development.

Unlocking analytical potential with ModaFlowTM

ModaFlowTM stands at the forefront of analytical excellence, boasting a sophisticated 5-colours flow detection system coupled with a cutting-edge sorting module. This empowers researchers to detect multiple cellular markers with precision and to enrich specific cell populations of interest. Importantly, the gentle-sorting process maintains cell viability, ensuring that cells remain intact and functional for subsequent read-outs and amplification steps.

Proprietary assay development in droplet

ModaFlow's droplet-based technologies opens up new possibilities for disruptive high-throughput bio-assay development. Researchers can achieve unparalleled control and precision in studying cellular interactions, biomarker expression, and drug responses. With ModaFlowTM, the synergy of high-end technologies empowers researchers to explore new frontiers in cell biology, drug discovery, and beyond.

Enhanced capabilities with LiveDrop's Monoclonal seeding module

In addition to its analytical prowess and sorting capabilities, LiveDrop offers an optional monoclonal seeding module, providing researchers with efficient control over cell seeding processes. This innovative module ensures gentle and precise seeding of monoclonal cell populations, facilitating consistent and reproducible experimental conditions. By incorporating this module into their workflow, researchers can confidently seed cells while minimising variability and optimising mono-clonality. This level of precision not only enhances the quality of experimental results but also streamlines downstream analyses, making LiveDrop an indispensable tool for cutting-edge research in cell biology and beyond.

🔬 Ready to Revolutionise cell therapy validation?

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your research to new heights and accelerate the development of innovative cell therapies. Contact us today to arrange a demo and unleash the full potential of LiveDrop in your lab!

Contact us immediately at info@livedrop-bio.com or +32 378 63 31 to initiate a live interaction.