
Gentle high-throughput functional screening & sorting,...


Introduction to the ModaFlowTM

ModaFlowTM is a gentle high-throughput functional screening & sorting instrument, designed for droplet bio-assay development and production use.

  1. High-throughput (co-)encapsulation up to 3 elements ( e.g.: single or multiple cell type, culture medium, reagents, magnetic beads, ... ).
  2. Droplets from 15 µm Ø (~2 pL) to over 65 µm Ø (~150 pL).
  3. No dead Volume.
  4. Up-to 5 colours multiplexed fluorescent detection for analysis.
  5. Fluorescence activated high-speed sorting.
  6. High-definition camera for QC live picture or video capture.
  7. Integrated high voltage generator for droplet sorting and pico-injection.

Featured uses

  • Droplet production / Cell encapsulation / Co-flow _ co-encapsulation / Pico-injection / ...
  • Functional sorting.
  • Secretome studies.
  • Potency assays development.
  • Cell-cell interactome studies.
  • Fragile cell sorting and cell-sample enrichment.

ModaFlowTM Short App Notes

ModaFlowTM technical specifications

General description

  1. Modular and upgradable system with sorting and analytical optics based on 2 to 4 lasers and up to 5 colors.
  2. Ready for sterile work : closed capot, easy-to-sterilise surfaces, disposable consumables fits inside a standard laminar flow hood
  3. Small footprint of 0,3 sqm.
  4. User-friendly programming interface for experiment settings, automation, or data transfer.
  5. Touch screen + web application, accessible through the local network with laptop, tablet, phone.
  6. High-definition camera for live QC picture or video capture.
  7. Motorised x-y-z stage for precise positioning and chips adjustments.

More detailed

  • Thresholding and gating on up to 5 independent fluorescence channels.
  • Lasers : 405 nm (UV) / 488 nm (Blue) / 561 nm (Yellow-Green) / 638 nm (Red).
  • Photodetectors bandpass : 440 nm / 525 nm / 600 nm / 685 nm / 775 nm
  • Wide range of parameters accessible, such as laser power and photodetectors gain adjustable.
  • Synchronised imaging of detected/sorted events.
  • Integrates an inverted microscope. The magnification is tuneable for visualisation with different objectives: 4x and 10x in the standard version (motorised), with an option for 20x (for single-cell, microbes, etc.)
  • Flows are driven with pressurised reservoirs, with four independent pressure inlets up to 2 bars (eight inlets optionally available).
  • The sample stage features a chip holder adapted to LiveDrop's cartridge and other standard glass slide formats (26 x 76mm).
  • The touchscreen interface allows users to connect the chip to the reservoirs, inject the sample, and run experiments seamlessly, with just two hours of learning.
  • More specifications are available upon request.